Sunday, 20 September 2020

How often we should wash the bed as it can't be done regularly? Don't worry here is the solution

How often we should wash the bed as it can't be done regularly? Don't worry here is the solution

[Image Source: Pixabay]

After a hard day's work, lying in bed with freshly washed linens is a great pleasure. However, washing the sheets is a complicated process, including going to the washing machine, drying it for a long time , and the daunting task of making the bed. So do you need to wash your bedding often?

Yes, bed linen should be washed regularly. It's not even about the pleasant smell of the washed sheets, but about hygiene.

Experts say that various waste products from the human body remain on the sheets. Sebum, dead skin cells, saliva and sweat particles accumulate on the laundry. Dead skin cells are especially unpleasant as they feed the dust mites. Every day, a person sheds one and a half grams of skin, which can feed a million arachnids. Mites, invisible to the human eye, and their excrement cause allergies in a large number of people.

After a hard day's work, lying in bed with freshly washed linens is a great pleasure. However, washing the sheets is a complicated process, including going to the washing machine, drying it for a long time , and the daunting task of making the bed. So do you need to wash your bedding often?

People who sleep naked also leave bits of dried feces on the sheets, according to Michael Schmidt, a microbiologist at the Medical University of South Carolina.

The problems described are often difficult to identify "by eye", so it is difficult to tell when the sheets become truly dirty. Because of this, many people put off their laundry for a month, sometimes even a year. The ideal schedule for washing your bed linen is once a week. To prevent dust mites from appearing, it is recommended to use hot water (at least fifty degrees).

Linens Pixabay

[Image Source: Pixabay]

What if I can't use my washing machine once a week?

You need to make up your bed every day - when you make it up, tiny dry particles that have accumulated on the sheet fall to the floor and become work for the vacuum cleaner.

You can also reduce the amount of germs and dirt you leave on your bedding by taking a shower right before bed.

Buying multiple bedding sets helps you use your washing machine less often.

Source: Popmech

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